Book Title: Care for your guinea pig and Care for you rabbit
Review: A basic book on how to care for a new pet guinea pig/rabbit with lots of useful information on sexing, dietary requirements and overall care of the animal. I like the guide to different breeds I thought that was interesting as I had never read anything about guinea pig breeds before.
Book Title: Never Eat Shredded Wheat
Review: Quite a basic book on UK geography, I am not too bad at geography and this book was good as a refresher. Gives a good guide to cities and major towns within the UK, monuments, rivers and other features of the UK, and provides a small amount of information on each.
Author: Fiametta Rocco
Book Title: The miraculous fever tree: Malaria, medicine and the cure that changed the world
Review: This book is the story of quinine, it is written from the authors point of view and giving stories from her family history. I enjoyed the details within the text that can only be from a family personal experience. This book focuses on where quinine comes from and how it developed into being a drug, it also discusses the resistance to the drug.
Author: Hazel Muir
Book Title: Eureka: Science's greatest thinkers and their key breakthroughs
Review: There is a page or so dedicated to scientist that have made significant discoveries or have had major breakthroughs. Starting in ancient Greece and up to modern day with many nobel prize winners mentioned. I learnt a lot from this book and has information on scientist I had never read about before.
Author: Carl Zimmer
Book Title: Parasite Rex
Review: This book gives an excellent insight into the world of parasitology, giving information on a variety of parasites and the diseases they cause. I have read this book a number of times, it also has images in the middle which show detail images of parasites. I enjoyed how the author wrote some of the book from own personal experience.
Author: Sean B Carroll
Book Title: The Making of the fittest - DNA and the ultimate forensic record of evolution
Review: I really enjoyed this book, it takes you on a journey discovering how DNA makes us who we are and how certain genes have become fossilized and were previously used. This is quite detailed an in depth book and gives examples of many species including colour photographs showing examples of animals showing gene mutations.
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